Mallorca Stranden
Toeristische Informatie
beaches have as many shades as its coastline: there are fine white sand beaches in some areas, similar to the Caribbean ones, coarse sand beaches in other areas and in some inlets, offen the most suggesting ones, you can only lie on pebbles... You may find spectacular landscapes with dunes and small inlets resembling paradise, but there are also areas controlled by tour-operators. It's your choice. Mallorca has a Mediterranean climate with hot sun in the summer complemented by refreshing sea breezes and the winters are quite mild. With many popular tourist resorts close to the beaches, restaurants, bars, cafes and discos thet atract many tourists every year.
Uitstekende service en de aanwezigheid van toeristische informatie op de website maakt het voor de toerist heel erg eenvoudig om zijn keuze te maken. Het totaalplaatje is uiterst positief en de prijzen nog meer!